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Groupe Park Avenue Launches its Employer Brand

Your Avenue to Success

Groupe Park Avenue Launches its Employer Brand

Groupe Park Avenue is proud to unveil its new employer brand, "Your Avenue to Success," developed in collaboration with the Sept24 agency. Always driven by the desire to innovate, the company, which includes nearly twenty car dealerships, positions itself as a pioneer in its industry by developing an employer brand. This initiative reaffirms its leadership position and commitment to its approximately 1,000 employees.

"This new brand is the result of a long, in-depth creative process, actively involving employees. The campaign was inspired by the testimonials and journeys of current employees, who shared their experiences, pride, and commitment to growing within our organization," says Norman John Hébert, President and CEO of Groupe Park Avenue. The employer brand comes with a whole new visual identity that will enhance future recruitment campaigns and hiring processes for the dealerships that are part of Groupe Park Avenue.

"'Your Avenue to Success' is not just a slogan; it's a promise we make to all our employees and those who will join us. We firmly believe that Groupe Park Avenue's success relies on the full potential development and well-being of our employees. As a pioneer in our industry, we also aim to lead in talent development and retention, while setting new standards of excellence," continues Norman John Hébert.

The announcement of the new employer brand coincides with the recent family business takeover in 2023 by Norman John Hébert. The occasion was therefore opportune to revisit and reinforce Groupe Park Avenue's core values, ensuring they resonate with employees. This new employer brand thus gives rise to an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that reflects the company's values and goals, structured around three main pillars: prestigious employer, inherent performance, and long-term commitment.

An advertising campaign, featuring the visuals of this new employer brand, will be broadcast starting June 20 on highway billboards, posters in dealerships, as well as on social media.